Arturo Flores of Astoria, R.I.P.

Biking in Astoria

Arturo Flores of Astoria, R.I.P.

If you have information, please leave a comment. People need to know. Especially about funeral arrangements and such things.

Was the driver drunk?

Was the man a excellent pan flute player (not my favorite instrument… but now that’s not really the issue here, is it)?

Did he run a red light? Who knows? Does it matter? He was good man who didn’t deserve to die.

I run red lights all the time. But not if a car is going to kill me. If I was a car running a red light (I’ve seen it all the time) and killed a guy on a bike… I’d say the bike ran the red light. I simply don’t believe cars. Especially when they do stupid shit and kill people.

No charges filed.

I write this and I hope nobody ever has to write this about me.

R.I.P. Arturo Flores.

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Arturo’s wake will be held tonight (10/23) at the Rivera Funeral home. The funeral home is located at 104-02 37th Avenue in Corona, Queens.

  2. PCM says:

    Thank you. I hope some people can bike over and show their respect. Alas, I cannot.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I was at the funeral yesterday. I was told the driver was actually not drunk, and that he is the one who called 911 after the accident.

  4. Anonymous says:


    talk to ellen in lloyd sealy about a ghost bike should you be interested.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Arturo was the best quena player/ musician – I loved him dearly and I hope to get to the bottom of this accident. We have lost a beautiful person and unbelievably talented artist. ARTURO YOU WILL LIVE THROUGH US< THROUGH YOUR MUSIC> YOU ARE AN ANGEL AND A MUSICAL LEGEND.

  6. Anonymous says:


    I cant believe I will never share the present with you again. I just saw him a few days earlier.. we talked about our future, our old age, our plans… I miss him so much. it hurts so terribly… im so sad

  7. Anonymous says:

    There’s a ghost bike up for Mr. Flores at the corner of 23ave and 27st. I don’t know how long it’s been there, but I’m glad to see it.

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