Category: triborough bridge

Biking in Astoria

Bike Under the Train

This would be way cool… if not exactly entirely necessary. The Randall’s Island Connector, part of the South Bronx Greenway, would run underneath an Amtrak trestle and create a new link to bike or walk between the South Bronx and Manhattan.

Slight Improvement on Triborough/RFK Bridge

The smallest of the four sets of stairs has been ramped. It was that little annoying one that left you about 50 feet from the next staircase, not far enough enough to bike to just far enough to be kind of annoying to walk. The other three sets of stairs are still there and not…
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Damn you Port Authority

I had such hope. A year of construction on the non-bike path going over the formerly Triborough now RFK Bridge. I thought they were taking out the steps. But no. It’s still not done. But the new staircase is there. Why couldn’t they just have ramped it out? Because they don’t care. Oh, and yeah,…
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Tribo… RFK Bridge Update

I took the RFK (nee Triborough) Bridge into Manhattan today and am pleased to report that there is major construction (well, major construction for a bike path). Without knowing for sure, it seems, to my amateur eyes, that they are in the process of removing all the stairs on the top part of the path…
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A tri-borough improvement!

The Triborough bridge just got better! Much better. Like so many blog writers, I bitch a lot. But then there’s a lot about which to bitch when biking in NYC. So it’s great to see something better (especially just days after I complained that nothing was better). I was riding to West End Ave and…
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Biking the beautiful Triborough Bridge

Check out the lastest on the bike ride on the Triborough, from Randall’s Island into Harlem. Normally the blog is about food. I’m glad she didn’t eat anything on they way. I’ve had some issues on the bridge myself. But I can’t really blame the bridge. It keeps it real.

Facing My Demons on the Triborough Bridge

On September 20th, 2004, I was biking back from a Yankee game and wiped out on the Triborough Bridge I was pretty messed up. I haven’t been over the bridge since then. It’s not that I was avoiding it. I just don’t often need to go to Harlem or the South Bronx from Queens. Last…
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