Category: MTA

Biking in Astoria

Jay Walder seems very smart

At least in the profile on him in the Times. “We’re on a bus right now where every seat is full,” he said. “How many people are on this bus? Seventy-five? But we haven’t prioritized this bus any differently than a car which has one person in it.”…“One person’s use of a road impacts upon…
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Fund Transit or Else…

The danger of subway cuts and fare hikes looms. Keeping the transit system in decent shape affects more than your commute to work. It’s a public safety issue. The proposed MTA “doomsday” service cuts puts the past 15 years of public-safety gains in jeopardy. Read the whole story here.

TA phone-a-thon: Save Transit

TA is having a very real phone-a-thon on Wednesday on the south side of Union Square from 8am to 12pm. There will be plenty of phones and district maps so people can stop by, see the cuts, and see who their State Senator/Assemblyperson is. Then you call them up and yell at them (or something…
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Don’t horse trade the MTA

The Times reports today that Gov. Paterson appointed a lawyer and lobbyist to the board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Isn’t there some State Dept of Sanitation they could fill with ghost patronage workers? It’s straight out of the The Wire (which I finally finished watching last night). The MTA is too important to have…
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