Category: biking in foreign lands

Biking in Astoria

Cities and Bike Culture

About the Netherlands. From the NYT: But while many Americans see their cars as an extension of their individual freedom, to some of us owning a car is a burden, and in a city a double burden. I find the recrafting of the city in order to lessen — or eliminate — the need for…
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I see England, I see France…

There are many why I like biking in Amsterdam: Cars give you right of way; pedestrians give you right of way; there are nice bike paths; distances are short; you’re considered normal; there are good, practical bikes; you casually meet friend biking in the other direction… Man the list goes on and on. But one…
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Car plows through bikes

In Brazil. I wonder what will happen to the driver in another country.

Helmet cameras capture bad driving

In the BBC.

Bangkok Smile Bike

You’ve always wanted to go to Thailand, right? Perhaps you just needed an incitement and paying for Thai “girlfriend” just isn’t your thing. How about free bikes in Bangkok? I’m posting this information because Astoria Bike is a big fan of Bangkok. Along with four handed massages and delicious Thai food, you can also bike…
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Spend government on bikes

The Boston Herald reports: Some people might be critical of federal tax money being spent on projects like building bike cages and canopies. But Miller says no one questions when the T spends millions to build parking garages for cars. Very good point. A lesser good point is that this money prevents soggy bike seats.…
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Road Trip!

It’s not hard to take a weekend bike trip. Mind you, I never had. But I did. And the recipe is simple: hop on your bike and ride. Of course it helps to have maps but you don’t even have to know where you’re going. You don’t need a fancy bike. You don’t need fancy…
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British Trains

Trains in the UK, at least some of them, are very bike friendly. Inside the door are little bike stalls, like the train car is a bike stable!

Best Bike Lock Ever

In Chetumal, Mexico.

Bike Chicago

I’m in Chicago, where I grew up. It’s so beautiful here. Biking around here, I get that same feeling of wondering why I live in ugly-ass Astoria as when I venture to, say, Brooklyn. And what a biking city Chicago is! There were no bike lanes till Hizzhonor decided that Chicago would be a biking…
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