Category: bike carries

Biking in Astoria

12 Dutchmen were on a bike…

…on one bike. Check this out:This and other great old dutch bike pictures can be found on Andre Koopman’s photostream.

Bikes for two

A few weeks back we had the pleasure of hosting Laura and Aaron Beese for a few nights. They wrote us through looking for free lodging. Mostly I was interested in seeing their cool bike. I mean, their bio is a little too earnest and has a too few many mentions of the All…
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Deer on bike

I like both bikes and venison. My friend sent me this picture from a while back. Now *that’s* a bike carry.

Bike shop on a bike

A friend sent me this:You will like this bike-shop-on-a-bike that I saw in Beijing. I also saw barber-shop-on-a-bike, and of course, street-food-on-a-bike.

Bike carry

From today’s BBC, another great bike carry:

Great bike carries

I’m always been impressed by what bikes can carry. Someone just sent me these pictures.

Yucatan taxis

I was down in the Yucatan, Mexico, and discovered that tricycles were the most common form of taxi and transport in villiages and small towns. The sad part is they’ll probably eventually all get replaced with loud motorized vehicles as they get more money. There was even the occasional bike path next to some major…
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Carry a lot

A new way to carry a lot. And you can even get it with neon hover lights. Xtracycle. It’s rear extension for your bike. So crazy… it just might work.

Wicker baskets

Check out David Hembrow’s wicker baskets! It’s the wicker chainring guard that really makes me happy. Alas, it is only for recumbent bikes. And yes, it says he does ship to the US.

Bag on Back

I took off my rear rack for my ride today. The bike handled great and I just zipped along! City biking and agility go so well together. I guess my final answer (for now) is messenger bag… unless I have so much to carry that I need the pannier bags. There is some more on…
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