Category: Astoria

Biking in Astoria

An Astoria Welcome to the Q Train?

Would anybody be interested in officially welcoming the Q train to Astoria? It might be fun. The Q runs to Ditmars starting the 27th. I know it’s been there a few times for a visit, but now it’s ours for real (The W is already dead to me). One of the dirty secrets of the…
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Communists Born in the USA and Dire Straits

I was in the hardware store under the tracks by 36th Avenue the other day. The one where the owner or main worker is a middle-aged, liberal, dog loving, some’er teeth, former punk kind of guy (only in New York!). Dire Straits “Walk of life” was on the radio and I mentioned how I loved…
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7-Stop Shopping or Why I ♥ Astoria

It really is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I went to mail some letters and did the mail-drop double-check before dropping them in the mailbox at 30th Ave. No stamps. So I turned around and walked three steps and (1) bought two stamps from the newsstand. Then I (2) bought wine at the liquor…
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A Walking Tour of Astoria With Sam Lipsyte

A good read. With pictures!

For smooth streets

Here’s to 58th St and other roads west of the bridge being paved and smooth! It’s been years. And how about that speed bump on Crescent Ave?! It’s like we don’t want a residential two-lane street to be a freeway. Crazy. Now if only they could put in bike friendly speeds bumps. They exist. Really.

Filmed in Astoria

Julie and Julia is filmed around here. Their apartment is by the powerplant on the river. And there are a touching number of Astoria location shots including the fish store by the 30th Ave subway stop and K&T Butcher. Sure, they throw in some 7 trains shots to pretend they’re in Long Island City proper,…
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Stop the Pistillis

What do I have against the Pistillis? They build ugly buildings in my neighborhood! Here’s a little about their shitty conversion on Astoria Park. My neighbor, a super, told me a while back that there was already mold in the place. And their latest sure-to-be shit job, on Newtown Ave, will not only be ugly.…
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Arturo Flores of Astoria, R.I.P.

If you have information, please leave a comment. People need to know. Especially about funeral arrangements and such things. Was the driver drunk? Was the man a excellent pan flute player (not my favorite instrument… but now that’s not really the issue here, is it)? Did he run a red light? Who knows? Does it…
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Every Restaurant in Astoria

Putting the Astoria back in Astoria Bike, I mention that nothing makes getting around the neighborhood easier and faster than riding a bicycle. And biking makes you hungry (of course so does sitting on your fat ass blogging). With so many good food choices in Astoria, how do you decide? Ahx-xhhhhaaa! I just discovered this…
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Greater Astoria Historical Society

Turns out the president of the Greater Astoria Historical Society is a doorman in Manhattan who bikes to work. There’s a story about him in the Times. Being a night-owl myself, I like his line that, “You’ve got to embrace the night.” Why do I mention this? Because it’s Astoria. And he bikes to work.